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Upcoming Events and Fundraisers
Please Scroll through for more information on our upcoming fundraiser events
- This event is open until July 31stYour backyard! Just run a 10k!Join our virtual 10K race by gathering sponsors, donating a minimum of $30 to our Gofundme with your name and run a 10K by July 31st! Once completed email your 10K time to to win crochet forever flowers handmade in Marquina Bolivia.
- Sat, Jul 27ColumbusDonate $10 to our gofundme to buy one raffle ticket for a handmade quilt, “Queen size, Cotton, Radiant Pattern” handmade by Anna Humbert in Rowe MA. All proceeds will go to Refugio Rafael. Drawing will be during our Bowling for Bolivia event on July 27th 5-7pm. Do not have to be present to win.
- Sat, Jul 27ColumbusJoin us for two hours of bowling and fun! Tickets are $35 and be purchased by donating the money directly through our gofundme: Marquina Rising: Support a Beacon of Hope and Opportunity.
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