
Economic Development and Fair Trade Handcrafts
Most women in Bolivia help to support family expenses with day work. Many are also skilled at local handicrafts, baking, and gardening. They can supplement their meager income through sale of these items locally.
Handicrafts can also be exported to fair trade stores in the United States. The Fair Trade movement aims to help producers get a fair price for their products, which are often made with locally-sourced materials. Fair Trade aims to reduce poverty, provide for ethical treatment of producers and workers, and promote environmentally sustainable practices.
Connie De Jong, co-founder of Refugio Rafael and Creative Director of World Peaces, a Fair Trade retail and wholesale business, works with local artisans in Bolivia. She helps develop handcrafted products for sale in the United States, including World Peaces.
Refugio Rafael has a spinning and weaving artisan group where women can increase their skills for marketing items in the United States. The community also houses a small bakery, chicken coop, and garden for food production. Residents can provide some of their own food as well as receive income from local sales.

Wish List
Monetary and In-kind Gifts
Purchase Bolivian Fair Trade items
Money to support local artisan mentors
Chickens and Chicken feed
Garden tools
Artisan supplies
Volunteer Help
Grant writing
Volunteer at a fair trade store
On-site artisan mentoring