
A Secure Home
Bolivian Quechua parents work hard to maintain a family and home. Women have children when they are young, often having 4-5 children before the age of 30. Young parents usually have simple day labor jobs and may need to live with other family members.
Bolivia does not have a welfare system. If a mother loses spousal or family support she finds herself caught in a downward spiral. Sometimes the only option is to disband her family, placing the children in government orphanages.
Refugio Rafael offers a family recovery program for mothers and their children to access housing, food, social services, education, medical assistance, and opportunities to learn new job skills. The goal is to provide support until a family can live on their own again. This support comes from the Refugio community caring for one another, a small two person staff, part-time mentors, service providers, and local and international volunteers.
The one acre campus includes two buildings. One structure houses classrooms and medical clinic. The larger structure has two living units, and a community facility with spaces for a bakery, artisan group meetings, and church services. The buildings have running water, full bathrooms, gas ranges, and electricity. Refugio Rafael's grounds also include a community playground, vegetable garden, and chicken coop.
Four families currently reside at the facility, comprising of four mothers and nine-teen children.

Wish List
Monetary and In-kind Gifts
Money for operational expenses
Money for building maintenance
Children's clothing
Personal items for the children
Volunteer Help
Grant writing
On-site construction assistance